Thursday, July 5, 2012

Prayer Points for TLC Haiti

God is doing exciting things with our new work recently launched in Haiti.  I wanted to share some specific prayer requests so that you will partner with us in prayer in moving forward.

1.  Pastor Gilbert Jules is currently in Cayes, one of the areas in which we will beholding our teaching and training seminars.  He is there this week doing some introductory training of our servant facilitators there and preparing them for our seminar August 27-September 1.  he will be doing the same thing in Port au Prince in the next few weeks.  Gilbert is our on-site director of the work in Haiti.

2.  I am currently putting the finishing touches on an introductory servant facilitator;s manual for our Haitian pastors.  TLC has an excellent manual that we are retrofitting for our Haitian brothers.  This will be an ongoing work as we learn more about how we can most effectively serve them.  I need to have this to Gilbert next week for translation (one of the many things he does for us), so that we can print it for distribution when we travel to Haiti in August.

3.  Pray for Doug Stevens and me as we prepare our materials for the leadership seminar.  Doug is formulating the topics we will be sharing.  In addition, we will be doing a training seminar in Cayes and Port au Prince for our sixty servant facilitators.  It will be hot in Haiti, incidentally, so pray that Doug and I will be energized in advance for our teaching responsibilities!

4.  I am actively fund-raising for TLC Haiti; we have a budget of about $120,000 for 2012-2013.  I recently set out communication about our goals and objectives for the next eighteen months to friends and family.  If you're interested in knowing more about TLC Haiti and want to be part of our team, please contact me at or

Thanks for praying with us for God's work in Haiti.

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